Our spears are made of stainless steel of first quality, under the strictest technical control in stainless steel Thre-ated 17-4p 44hcr of 1600N/mm2. Afterwards to cut and to give cone shape to the tip and they are hardened to avoid bending and to give them elasticity. They have low contents of chrome and carbon, this made them rus-tproofing.
The holes for the line are finally polished using sand and pressure, the same process used in notches They have a 70mm barb, with a reinforced screw. The EUROSHARK spearguns have pins like shark fins, are elec-tro welding and have an anti-tiring piece. The TQ-Spetton and EUROSHARK spearguns are available in 6,25 and 6,50mm, and a lot of sizes between 70 and 170cm.
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